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Why you need a PIP Team Versus One or Two Attorneys

Personal Injury Protection is a niche area of law. The majority of a PIP attorney’s legal work consists of interpreting and evaluating Florida Statutes Section 627.736. Motions, pleadings, hearings, depositions, and the like consume the time and attention of both attorneys and legal staff. It is important to remember that not every PIP team is one and the same. When choosing a PIP team to handle/litigate your PIP suits, it is important to consider that a team is stronger than one or two individuals.

Despite Lebron James’ success as an individual, Mr. James would be the first to tell you that a strong and dedicated team is necessary to accomplish the goals one has set out. Despite Lebron’s fantastic seasons in 2011 and 2014, the Miami Heat were unable to win the National Basketball Association’s coveted Larry O’Brian Trophy. A strong team inside and out is necessary for success in any business. The Miami Heat remains one of the most successful organizations in professional sports because they subscribe to the “Team Vision.” Similar to the Miami Heat, LaBovick Law Group has a strong and dedicated PIP team. We have two experienced PIP litigators along with multiple paralegals, legal assistants, and a business liaison. We subscribe to the notion that every part of the team is as essential as the next.

Our team consisting of 2-attorneys, 3-paralegals, and 5-legal assistants is well-versed in the PIP statute. We have weekly meetings to address current trends and “hot topics in PIP.”  This helps to ensure that our team conforms to the fluid nature of the PIP laws. Our team meetings cover substantive areas of the PIP Law, judge rulings on the issues, and how we can tailor our Pleadings/documents to conform to what the judges expect.

Our paralegals have many years of PIP experience. They have been through the ups and downs of the PIP statute and its many amendments. Our Paralegals can provide a complete history of your cases from pre-litigation inception. A comprehensive case evaluation will be presented to any of our providers upon request. Our Client Relations Manager will travel to your office and perform a complete audit of your medical files. She is well versed in PIP and knows exactly what documents our PIP team needs to ensure success for each PIP suit.

The LaBovick PIP team is truly a full-service team. We are unique in that all of our pieces fit together to form a cohesive unit. Each piece of the puzzle was strategically put in place. We do not tolerate inefficient operations. We are client-centered and passionate about our work. We are litigators and as such, we do not shy away from trials or pursuing our cases. When inquiring as to what PIP attorney you need, remember, LaBovick Law Group offers a full-service PIP team.

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