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The Fox is Guarding the Hen House

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As a Qui Tam Attorney who enjoys prosecuting fraud cases, especially tax fraud, this is total ABSURDITY!

On August 30, 2017, Julian Schmoke, Jr. was appointed by the Trump administration to lead the Student Aid Enforcement Unit of the Department of Education. This unit was created under President Obama to aggressively combat fraud and deceptive practices at colleges and universities. In other words, the government’s investigation and prosecutors for fraud, similar to the civil lawsuits which were against Trump University which the president’s company settled for tens of millions of dollars.

Earlier this year the head of the department, Robert Kaye, a consumer protection attorney from the Federal Trade Commission quit the job.  One would think that a prior history of law enforcement, prosecutions, or something similar would be the job skill set one would need for this type of appointment.  However, prior to being named head of this division, Mr. Schmoke was actually the director of campus operations at West Georgia Technical College and also served as Dean of DeVry University.  That alone doesn’t make him unqualified for the position. I mean, if a neurosurgeon like Ben Carson, who has never run an organization larger than his doctor’s office, and clearly ran a terrible campaign organization, can run the Department of Housing, then a former Dean of a college should have the organization skills to run a prosecution unit for college fraud enforcement.  I mean, how hard can that be.  All you need is a solid moral compass and that should be enough in this administration.  That is what President Trump calls “getting the best person possible for the job.”  But in this case, I find it truly absurd!  Why? Because DeVry University is a for-profit education business that, while Schmoke was there, faced allegations that it was misleading students, changing data and using deceptive tactics to upsell students on their education.  This led to a settlement with New York State authorities and Federal Trade Commission authorities for a mere $100,000,000.00. So a guy who worked for a company that had to pay $100 million dollars to get out of fraud charges is now leading our government’s effort’s prosecuting educational related fraud.

What is wrong with this picture? Am I the only one who sees something wrong here?

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