Receiving Disability Benefits For Arthritis
Applying For Arthritis Social Security Disability
When applying for disability, Social Security will evaluate the severity of your arthritis. Arthritis is a common condition that typically refers to joint pain. The more common types of arthritis are degenerative arthritis and inflammatory arthritis. The major difference between degenerative arthritis and inflammatory arthritis is how they are diagnosed. Degenerative arthritis is typically diagnosed using imaging such as X-rays, MRI’s or CT-Scans. While inflammatory arthritis is usually diagnosed through blood testing. Either condition can affect any of the joints in your body.
Arthritis is typically diagnosed first by a primary care physician and then confirmed by either a rheumatologist or orthopedist. If you suffer from a form of degenerative arthritis you more than likely will be treating with an orthopedist or orthopedic surgeon. For example, if you have degenerative arthritis in your spine, knees or hips, you may require joint surgery and possibly a joint replacement. If you are suffering from inflammatory arthritis you will typically be treated with a rheumatologist.
Being diagnosed with arthritis alone will not warrant a finding of disability. Social Security will analyze how severe your arthritis is by reviewing your medical records and determining your functional limitations. Arthritis can oftentimes cause difficulty getting around, lifting objects, or even standing up from your chair. If your activities of daily living are affected by arthritis I would urge you to ask your doctor the following; if turmeric supplements are right for you and whether they think you should apply for disability benefits. If your doctor says yes that is a good indication that you should probably apply for the program. Call me at the LaBovick Law Group today for a free consultation. We can help you get the benefits you deserve.