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Articles about Auto Accident Attorney

Electric Vehicle Fire Incidents and Statistics

Everything you need to know about electric vehicle fire incidents & statistics, for 2021 and beyond. This information has been compiled by the personal injury lawyers at Labovick Law Group. Types of Electric Vehicles Evolution of Electric Cars Are Electric Cars More Likely to Catch Fire? What To Do If


These Are the Most Common Causes of Car Accidents

Anytime you get in a car and drive, you take the risk of getting in a car accident. In 2018 alone, over 6.7 million car accidents occurred, and many of these collisions caused fatalities. If you’ve recently been involved in a car accident, you might be suffering from injuries right


What Are the Most Common T-Bone Car Accident Injuries?

What Are the Most Common T-Bone Car Accident Injuries? There are 6 million car accidents that occur each year. And with these accidents, people are finding that they’re suffering from various injuries. If you’re wondering what the most common t-bone car accident injuries are, we’re going to break down all


How to Find the Best Car Accident Attorney

An average of 6 million1 car accidents happen each year in the U.S. Unfortunately, this means that you can be a terrific driver with a perfect record and still find yourself in a car accident. You simply cannot control the actions of other people on the road. And, even if

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