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Articles about Maritime Law

What are Limitations to Maritime Law When Cruising

Just this week I was contacted by a passenger who was injured on a major cruise line.  One of my first questions to him was, “When did your incident happen?”  When the injured passenger told me 16 months ago I was disheartened.  I was forced to turn down representing this


What You Need to File a Jones Act Lawsuit

Getting injured on the job can be an ordeal as is. But if you are a Seaman and are injured on a vessel, you may not be sure what steps you would need to take and what protection you have. There are Worker’s Compensation laws that protect workers if they


Choosing the Right Jones Act Lawyer

When a Seaman is injured during the course of his employment, his or her injury is covered by a Federal Law known as The Jones Act. There are many steps that go into a Jones Act case, such as proving the person can be classified as a Seaman and proving


Am I Covered by the Jones Act?

As a South Florida maritime lawyer concentrating on personal injury, I am often approached by persons injured while working about a vessel. Usually, these workers are covered by the Jones Act (although that is oftentimes disputed). The Jones Act provides a cause of action for “[a] seaman injured in South

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