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Articles about Personal Injury

What Qualifies as a Personal Injury Burn Case

There are an infinite number of scenarios which will qualify for a Personal Injury Burn Case.  The reason is that the standard for personal injury is so broad.  A case can arise from a work incident, a play incident, reckless conduct, negligent conduct, or even safe conduct!  Sometimes everyone does


Smoke Alarm Safety in 3 Quick Steps

When I was in high school my cousin’s house burned down. His parents were avid art collectors and we sat on the street watching the entire house at all its beautiful art go up in flames. My cousins and my aunt and uncle were saved because they ran out of


Qué hacer después de un accidente automovilístico

Con frecuencia, después de un accidente de automóvil los individuos no solo se quedan heridos, sino también perdidos y sin saber qué hacer. En primer lugar, trata de mantener su calma. Si las bolsas de aire de su vehículo se han desplegado puede haber polvo dentro del coche. He tenido


Quick Guide to Car Accidents

Everyone needs a quick and handy guide to follow if you are ever in a car accident!  We distilled our best advice into a quick list of three things we would LOVE to see our client gather before we meet.  Please know that even if you don’t have any of


Are You Eligible for a Personal Injury Settlement?

Read over our quick 5 question case check to see if you qualify! The law requires you to have “Standing” before you even start your case.  This really means that you have a legal connection between the incident that caused you harm and the harm that was done.  Without Standing,


What to do After a Slip And Fall Injury

Immediately after a slip and fall injury accident, things get hazy quick!  First many times the victim does not know why they fell.  It happens so quickly that they are down before their mind registers what happened.  It is amazing how badly people are hurt falling to the ground.  It

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