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Articles about Personal Injury

10 Safe Driving Tips to Prevent Vehicle Accidents

In Florida alone, there are greater than 400,000 car accidents a year; more than half of these result in injury, and sadly, there are over 3000 deaths annually. At the LaBovick Law Group, we take your rights, and your safety, very seriously. Whenever you head out on our beautiful highways


What Steps to Take After a Car Accident

While car accidents are far too common, they are no less terrifying. Whether you anticipate a crash or it blindsides you, the moments after are chaotic. Adrenaline is pumping through your body; you may be hurt. You are definitely scared. It is difficult to think clearly and rationally – but


How Do I Prepare for an IME Exam?

Struggling with a personal injury is difficult enough; you’re worried about recovery, medical bills, treatment, loss of work… the list goes on and on. Often, you also have to navigate a complex legal system in order to receive fair and just compensation. One step of the legal process can be


Post Crash Checklist: What to Do After an Accident

The stark reality is that car accident are all too common. In Florida, there are over 650 auto crashes every day. Every. Day. That is an astonishing, and frightening, statistic. In the aftermath of a car accident, your mind is racing. Your heart is pumping. Adrenaline is flowing through your body.


When to Call a Car Accident Attorney

The average driver will be involved in a car accident once every 18 years or so. This is certainly a statistic that gives us pause: these are all too common events. Hopefully, the accident is minor and involves only minimal damage – a scratch or dent – and no serious


What to Expect Physically After a Car Accident

There are over 400,000 car crashes per year in Florida, with over 166,000 injuries and more than 3000 fatalities.¹ But the statistics don’t tell the whole story. People who walk away from crashes are left not only with physical pain but emotional distress, anxiety, fear, and, of course, mounting medical


I Was Just In a Car Accident. Now What?

When you’re involved in a crash, even a minor car accident, it can have long-lasting physical, emotional, and financial impacts. The first step is to address the immediate concerns. Make sure you’re safe, get checked out by medical professionals, and work to protect your rights. Let’s delve into this in


How Long Should You Be Sore After a Car Accident?

More than 23 million people live in Florida, and the Sunshine State attracts over four times that many each year. It’s no wonder: people love the beaches, the weather, the culture, the food, the scenery, and the attractions. But this also leads to congestion on the roads – and this

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