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Articles about PIP Claims & Collections

PIP Insurance Victory for Medical Providers

Personal injury protection (PIP) is an extension of automobile insurance designed to cover medical expenses as well as lost wages and funeral expenses. PIP insurance, often referred to as no-fault coverage, is mandatory in Florida. Therefore, Florida medical providers frequently bill auto insurance companies to get reimbursement for medical services


Legislative PIP Session 2018 Recap

Spring is in the air! The clocks have sprung ahead, Spring breakers will soon add to the season crush, and Florida PIP survived the FL House’s spring session ax again. Here at the LaBovick Law Group, we are pleased, for a number of reasons, to have another year without the concern


PIP Will Survive Past 2019 Regardless of Legislation

Many of you have heard the rumblings about PIP’s demise in Tallahassee.  Specifically, the Florida House of Representatives and Florida Senate are contemplating bills that would repeal and replace Florida PIP with a mandatory Bodily Injury system.  Our No-Fault system would be transformed into a fault-based system and no longer


Garrison and State Farm Class Actions

A class action has been proposed against both State Farm and Garrison. Your medical practice may have claims for which action is required or your ability to recover funds could be lost. At this time, we are awaiting the Judges who are overseeing the Class Action lawsuits to accept the

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