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Articles about PIP Claims & Collections

What Can A PIP Team Do For My Practice?

Personal Injury Protection is better known as “PIP” attorneys are similar to the general managers of any professional organization. PIP litigators formulate strategies prior to sending out demand letters. Then, the next step involves implementing litigation tactics to ensure reimbursement of PIP benefits. Lastly, a fight of sorts ensues (summary


Is a Signature Truly Needed In BOX 31?

Insurance carriers attempt to limit coverage whenever possible. It is a “trick of the trade.” Insurance companies utilize defenses such as exhaustion of benefits, lack of coverage, and material misrepresentation to bar otherwise viable claims. One defense, in particular, failure to sign BOX 31 of the Health Insurance Claims Form


PIP Niche Defense: Box 31

Box 31 sounds like an invitation to something special and mysterious. In the world of personal injury protection insurance (PIP), Box 31 is an archaic defense implemented by our beloved PIP insurance companies. This defense is archaic in that the insurer “should know” the amounts/and type of treatment the medical

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