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Articles about Social Security

I Have Lupus. Does That Qualify Me for Disability?

The Lupus Foundation of America estimates that approximately 1.5 million Americans have lupus. That is approximately 1 in every 20 Americans. Systematic lupus erythematosus (SLE), more commonly known as lupus, is an autoimmune disorder that causes your immune system to attack your own tissue and organs. This is a chronic


4 Mistakes to Avoid When Applying for Disability Benefits

Applying for disability benefits can be an overwhelming, intimidating process. There is a lot at stake – your health, your financial security, your ability to care for yourself and your family. When you’re struggling with a life-changing injury or illness, the stress can be difficult to handle. And, unfortunately, it


I Have Numbness in my Hands, What Should I do?

If you are experiencing numbness or tingling in your hands the first step you should take is contacting your doctor. Depending upon the severity you may want to consider going to the emergency room. Hand numbness could be a result of a very serious medical condition like carpal tunnel syndrome


Are Your SSD Benefits Taxable?

It’s that dreaded time of year again…tax season. For many of you, this year may be different than previous years. If you began receiving Social Security Disability benefits in 2017 you may be wondering if those benefits are taxable. Do you have to report those earnings to the IRS? For


When Can I Apply for Social Security?

If you are a healthy individual with the full capacity to work, the earliest you could apply for social security is at age 62. The program you would be applying for at this point would be for early retirement. The Social Security Administration is an independent agency which oversees the


The Different Types of Social Security Benefits

Social Security is often in the news – especially when it’s time to trim budgets. But tens of millions of Americans rely on this “social safety net” to make ends meet. Social Security is designed to provide just that: security. When age, disability, or death of a spouse or parent

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