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Articles about Social Security

Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits Amount

Having an illness or condition that prevents you from working full time can lead to significant financial stress. Rising costs of housing, food, and insurance add to the burden. If you’re in this situation, you might wonder what resources are available to alleviate your financial stress. One possible solution is


Representative Payees for Social Security Disability Benefits

Introduction Many individuals who are eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits suffer from severe mental impairments which can make managing day-to-day affairs very difficult. This includes certain individuals with severe mental health conditions such as schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder, as well as individuals who have physical conditions which have


The Ultimate Guide to the Social Security Work History Report & Disability Benefits

Understanding the Impact of Work History on Social Security Disability Claims In many scenarios, individuals find themselves facing medical conditions that challenge their typical work responsibilities. For instance, those engaged in physically demanding roles might encounter spinal problems leading to persistent back pain, inhibiting their regular work. Similarly, roles demanding


Social Security Disability for Back Pain

One of the most common unfortunate ailments of Americans, especially as one begins to get older, is back pain. Back pain can occur due to a number of different causes, but one very common reason for back pain is degenerative disc disease. This more commonly occurs after the age of

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