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Articles about Veterans Benefits

Stolen Valor: Posing as Veterans

Just when you think veterans cannot be treated any worse, it happens. In the wake of the VA hospital wait times, which is still being sorted out, there is an emerging issue with “stolen valor.” This is not necessarily a new issue, but it is definitely becoming more prevalent these


More VA Secret Waiting Lists Revealed

In the wake of the Phoenix VA Medical Center scandal, more secret Veterans Affairs (VA) waiting lists have been revealed, totaling eight facilities. The seventh list comes from the Malcom Randall VA Medical Center in Gainesville, FL.  This facility’s secret list was just a piece of paper kept in the


Are Veterans Selfish?

That is the golden question amidst proposed budget cuts from Congress and even the Pentagon. Last year Congress proposed trimming the annual cost of living adjustment (COLA) for working-age veterans by 1 percent. This year, the Pentagon is considering cutting subsidies it pays to military commissaries. American Legion National Commander

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