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Articles about Workers Compensation

Leading Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in South Florida

Our long history and substantial experience in personal injury cases allows us to be particularly effective in representing clients in serious work-related claims. Workers’ compensation is a benefit that is available to nearly all employees who suffer an injury that arose out of and in the course of their employment. The attorneys


How to Defeat a Workers’ Compensation Denial

Insurance companies are in the practice of denying claims whether it’s Worker’s Compensation or Personal Injury Protection Insurance. An insurance company will send you a letter indicating “work injury claim denied“. Denials range from pre-existing injuries to no evidence of an accident. Worker’s compensation insurance companies are not interested in


Can I Choose My Own Doctor?

The rules of workers compensation vary state to state regarding whether you are able to choose your own doctor or whether your employer chooses your doctor. Under the Florida Worker’s Compensation statute, your employer’s insurance carrier is charged with authorizing medical treatment for your injuries. This insurance carrier will determine


Why You Need a Workers’ Compensation Attorney (Info-graphic)

Our long history and substantial experience in personal injury cases allows us to be particularly effective in representing clients in serious work-related claims. Workers’ compensation is a benefit that is available to nearly all employees who suffer an injury that arose out of and in the course of their employment. The attorneys

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