/blog/firework-safety-ten-simple-tips-to-keep-safe around this time of year, especially as we get closer to The Fourth of July, fireworks light up the skies with brilliant designs and beautiful colors. These fireworks can be very exciting and a lot of fun to watch, but they can also be extremely dangerous. In 2012, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), conducted a study of firework injuries that took place between June 22 and July 22. The study showed that on average, 200 people go to the hospital every day with firework-related injuries per day. The study also showed that the most commonly injured body parts are your hands and fingers, head and face, and your eyes. It also showed that more than half of the injuries were burn-related.
The following are 10 quick tips to keep you and those around you safe from harm
- Never use fireworks inside. It is important to find a location that is away from houses and trees. The best places for setting off fireworks are over the water or in open areas, away from everyone.
- Have a bucket of water ready. It is very important to keep a bucket of water or a garden hose close by you while lighting off fireworks. This way if something does catch fire, you can put it out before it grows, or before anyone gets hurt.
- Only light one firework at a time. Everyone loves the big finale at the end of the firework show, but it is important to remember that these shows are being done by professionals away from the crowd. If you are setting of fireworks on your own, you never want to light more than one firework at a time.
- Don’t try to reignite a “dud.” If the firework does not go off properly the first time, DO NOT pick it up to reignite it firework could be delayed and go off while it is in your hand. Leave any firework “dud” where it is and go back later to poor water on the device.
- Never point or shoot a firework toward another person. This can be extremely dangerous and cause serious burns or other serious injuries to someone.
- Keep children away from the area. It is important that children keep back an appropriate distance while fireworks are being lit. Fireworks can be very unpredictable and may not shoot off in the direction you expect them to. Children should not handle the fireworks before or after they have gone off. These devices could be unstable and will be hot right after they have been used.
- Beware of sparklers. Sparklers can get extremely hot (1,200-2,000 degrees Fahrenheit), and can cause serious burns to a child. It is recommended that no child under the age of 5 should be given a sparkler, and any child that is given one should be under supervision the entire time it is lit.
- Be careful when cleaning up the used fireworks. Once you are done setting off fireworks, go to each device and pour water over it. Leave it outside overnight to ensure all sparks have gone out and then pick them up in the morning to through them out. This will help prevent a house or trash fire.
- Do not make your own fireworks. As it is, a firework can be an unstable and dangerous device.
- Obey the law. If fireworks are illegal in your town or state, DO NOT purchase them. Fireworks are considered explosives, and they should be treated as such. Look into your local laws to see what types of fireworks, if any, are legal to have in your area.
Fireworks help us to celebrate our independence. They can be bright, colorful and beautiful, but they can also be dangerous. If you have been injured due to someone’s negligence in handling fireworks, call us today to set up a free consultation, and we can help you receive the compensation you deserve.