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What Happens if I am an Injured Passenger in an Auto Accident?

Oftentimes it is not only the driver that is injured in an auto accident, it is the passengers as well. What typically happens when a person is injured as a passenger is that the at-fault party for the accident (the person that caused the accident) picks up the insurance coverage for the accident. This could be where the car you were in is rear-ended at a stop sign. The person who rear-ended you is at fault and should pick up the cost of your injuries.  This is also true when your driver is at fault.  If they have caused the accident, their insurance will pay for your injuries. If both parties are at fault, both drivers’ insurance policies should pay for your injuries.

However, situations do arise where there are numerous passengers who have sustained injuries in an automobile accident.  What happens in this occurrence is that all the passengers have to share in the available coverage that exists.  For example, if there is a $1M liability policy for the at-fault vehicle and there are four injured passengers, those four injured passengers have to share that policy to cover their injuries.  This is often accomplished at what is called a “global mediation.”  At these global mediations, the at-fault vehicle’s insurance says “here is the $1M policy, fight amongst yourselves.”  It is then that all the injured passengers make claims as to why they should be entitled to their share of the insurance proceeds.  Obviously, the more seriously injured you are, the more your claim on the policy becomes.

If you’ve been injured in an accident as a passenger, contact a personal injury lawyer that has extensive experience with car accidents. This will ensure that you get the compensation you need to cover your injuries from the accident.  Especially if you weren’t the only passenger in the accident, hiring a good auto accident attorney will help you split the policy amount in a way that makes sense and gets you what you deserve!

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