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If I Get Injured at Work Do I Get Paid? A Comprehensive Guide for Florida Workers

if i get injured at work do i get paid


Suffering an injury at work can be a stressful experience, leaving you with numerous questions about your rights and compensation. One of the most pressing questions is, “If I get injured at work do I get paid?” Understanding the workers’ compensation laws in Florida is essential to ensure you receive the benefits you’re entitled to. This comprehensive guide will help you navigate these laws and understand what to expect if you get injured at work.

Understanding Your Rights After a Workplace Injury

When you’re injured on the job, it’s crucial to know your rights and whether you will get paid. In Florida, workers’ compensation laws provide benefits to employees who suffer work-related injuries. If I get injured at work do I get paid? This article will break down the essential aspects of these laws to help you understand what to expect.

What Determines If I Get Paid?

The primary factor determining whether you get paid is the decision of the authorized treating doctor. If I get injured at work do I get paid based on the doctor’s assessment? Yes, this doctor, approved by the insurance company handling your workers’ compensation claim, assesses your condition and decides on your work status.

For detailed information, you can also refer to the Florida Division of Workers’ Compensation.

Initial Waiting Period and Benefits

If I get injured at work do I get paid immediately? In Florida:

  • You do not get paid for the first seven days of your disability.
  • If you miss 21 days or more due to your injury, you will receive payment from the first day of your disability.

The policy encourages employees to return to work if their injuries are not severe. Here’s a breakdown:

  • If I get injured at work do I get paid if I miss two weeks? Yes, you get paid for the second week.
  • If I get injured at work do I get paid if I miss three weeks? Yes, you get paid for the first and third weeks.

Using Your Own Doctor

Many workers wonder, “If I get injured at work do I get paid if I see my own doctor?” You can see your own doctor, but the insurance carrier only has to follow the recommendations of the authorized treating doctor. To ensure continued benefits, stick with the doctor approved by the insurance company.

Types of Disability Benefits

  1. Temporary Total Disability (TTD) Benefits:
    • Paid when the authorized doctor takes you completely off work.
    • If I get injured at work do I get paid under TTD benefits? Yes, you receive two-thirds of your average weekly wage.
  2. Temporary Partial Disability (TPD) Benefits:
    • Paid when you have temporary work restrictions, and your employer cannot accommodate these restrictions.
    • If I get injured at work do I get paid under TPD benefits? Yes, generally, you receive about 64% of your average weekly wage.

Both TTD and TPD benefits have a cap of 260 weeks, though most injuries do not last this long.

Calculating Average Weekly Wage

If I get injured at work do I get paid based on my average weekly wage? Yes, your average weekly wage is calculated based on the 13 weeks preceding your injury. For seasonal employees or those who work primarily for tips, this calculation will differ.

Permanent Total Disability (PTD) Benefits

In severe cases, you may qualify for PTD benefits if you cannot return to any work or at least sedentary work within a 50-mile radius. If I get injured at work do I get paid under PTD benefits? This situation can be complex, and legal assistance is highly recommended.

Reaching Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI)

Once you reach MMI, the doctor determines that your condition won’t improve further. If I get injured at work do I get paid after reaching MMI? At this stage:

  • You may be entitled to impairment benefits.
  • The impairment rating given by the doctor will determine these benefits.

When to Consult an Attorney

If your situation is complicated or you reach the MMI stage, consulting a Florida Workers’ Compensation Lawyer is advisable. If I get injured at work do I get paid the correct amount? An attorney can help ensure you receive all the benefits to which you are entitled.

Key Takeaways

  • The authorized treating doctor, approved by the insurance company, plays a crucial role in determining your eligibility for benefits. If I get injured at work do I get paid based on their assessment? Yes.
  • Understanding the different types of benefits (TTD, TPD, and PTD) is essential. If I get injured at work do I get paid under each of these benefits? It depends on your specific situation.
  • Always consult an attorney if your case is complex or if you reach MMI to ensure proper benefit calculation. If I get injured at work do I get paid accurately without an attorney? It can be challenging, so legal assistance is recommended.

Remember, if you get injured at work, you do get paid under Florida’s workers’ compensation laws, but understanding the nuances of these benefits can help you navigate your situation more effectively. If I get injured at work do I get paid the correct amount? Knowledge and legal assistance can ensure you do.


Navigating the complexities of workers’ compensation in Florida can be daunting, but understanding your rights is crucial. If I get injured at work do I get paid? The answer is yes, but various factors influence the type and amount of benefits you receive. Ensuring you follow the correct procedures and consult with professionals when necessary will help you secure the compensation you deserve. Remember, staying informed and seeking legal advice when needed can make a significant difference in your recovery and financial stability.

FAQs related to If I Get Injured at Work Do I Get Paid?

How do I file for workers’ compensation benefits in Florida?

To file for workers’ compensation benefits in Florida, follow these steps:
Report your injury to your employer within 30 days of the incident.
Seek medical attention and obtain documentation for your treatment.
Wait for the insurance company to contact you, typically within seven days.
Follow the insurance company’s instructions for further action. If any disputes arise, you may need to file a petition for benefits​.

Do I receive any compensation for time off work due to my injury?

Yes, if you are injured at work in Florida, you are entitled to receive compensation for time off work. Typically, you will be paid about two-thirds of your average weekly wage before the injury. These payments start after you miss work for seven calendar days. If your disability lasts more than 21 days, you can receive compensation dating back to the first day of your injury.

Can I choose my own doctor for treatment?

In Florida, you cannot choose your own doctor for workers’ compensation claims unless it is an emergency. The insurance company will provide an authorized treating physician. If you are unhappy with the assigned doctor, you can request a one-time change of physician, which the insurance company must grant within five days of your request​.

Can I be fired or lose my job for filing a workers’ compensation claim?

No, Florida law protects employees from retaliation by their employers for filing a workers’ compensation claim. While employers are not required to keep your position open indefinitely, they cannot legally terminate you solely because you filed a claim. If you believe you have been retaliated against, you may have grounds for a legal claim against your employer​.

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