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Massachusetts Brain Injury Lawyer

Brain injuries can have serious consequences on your life and you are going through it. The legal process is also long and tedious.

Contact a Massachusetts Brain Injury Lawyer to help you through this time while you recover. Contact us for free.

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A brain injury is a life-changing event that affects both the person and their family. Massachusetts brain injuries can result from car accidents, falls, sports, or workplace incidents.

Understanding These Cases With Our Massachusetts Brain Injury Lawyer

Going through a brain injury is a difficult time for anyone in life. Both for him and for his family. 

This type of trauma completely changes the general functioning of everyone. They can be mild or severe. The latter cause consequences that can last a lifetime, either death or permanent disability. Also general lethal signs and symptoms.

You can see the physical, emotional, psychological and Economic Damages in Brain Injury Cases. It really is a change that must be faced for both the person and their loved ones who must accompany them.

A Massachusetts brain injury is a damage or trauma to the brain as a result of multiple accidents, such as car accidents, falls, sports, work-related accidents, or others. This type of trauma can be analyzed from both a medical and legal standpoint. 

It is very important to detect Medical Malpractice and Brain Injuries through quality medical care, rehabilitation programmes, medication and legal professionals. Unfortunately, some people take weeks or months to detect these injuries. That is why action should be taken as soon as possible.

A Massachusetts Brain Injury Lawyer will be the person who stands by your side through this difficult process. He will be there with you to ease your legal burdens so that you can recover with peace of mind.

The Serious Effects Of Brain Injury

The effects of brain injuries are very serious. They can be life-changing and the process is often very painful. Both minor and serious injuries have life-threatening consequences.

The symptoms of an injury can vary from person to person and also depend on the circumstances of the accident.  

Here are some of the effects:

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Muscle weakness
  • Memory impairment
  • Loss of attention
  • Mood changes
  • Depression
  • Anxiety 
  • Permanent disabilities
  • Sensory disturbances
  • Difficulties in falling asleep
  • Difficulties in performing daily activities

Unfortunately brain injuries have short and long term consequences. They can affect many parts of the person’s body as well as their life.

They may require rehabilitation, daily medical care and the use of special medical devices to maintain the patient’s health. 

Even with medical insurance, injured people and their families are committed to paying for medical costs and treatment.

There are certain preventive measures that can be taken to avoid such tragedies. For example, eliminating fall hazards, driving safety, wearing seat belts, helmets and many others.

Accidents That Can Cause Brain Injuries

Brain injuries can be caused by certain accidents that are unexpected in your life. You left your house and didn’t think it was going to happen. Unfortunately these situations happen in Massachusetts.

Some of these accidents are:

  • Motor Vehicle Accidents: They have serious consequences because of the impact they have on the incident.
  • Sports Accidents: Certain sports are extreme and generate brain impacts that can last a lifetime.
  • Slips And Falls: These are usually caused by slippery surfaces at home, at work or in public places and can lead to serious head injury.
  • Bicycle Or Pedestrian Accidents: These cause brain injuries due to the impact they can have on a person’s head.
  • Recreational Accidents: Certain outdoor activities cause falls or collisions that lead to Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).
  • Occupational Accidents: Some jobs are more dangerous than others, such as those exposed to hazards like falls, collisions with objects or machinery, which can cause serious brain injuries.

In any of these situations, the best thing to do is to contact a Massachusetts Brain Injury Attorney. He will help you from start to finish so that you can receive the compensation you deserve.

Having an expert and trusted lawyer is essential. Our team of Warriors for Justice will relentlessly fight for your rights.
We are here to help you!
Abogado De Lesiones Cerebrales en Massachusetts

with a LaBovick Law Group legal expert

A Massachusetts Brain Injury Attorney will help you file a lawsuit if you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury.

A Massachusetts Brain Injury Attorney Will File A Lawsuit

A Massachusetts Brain Injury Lawyer is the expert professional who will help you prepare a lawsuit against the person responsible for the damages you have suffered. That’s why you need professionals with extensive experience in these cases like the team at LaBovick.

They will be prepared from the initial consultation to discuss with you all the issues surrounding the accident. You need to give them the details of what happened. 

Here are the steps a Massachusetts Brain Injury Attorney needs to take in order to file a lawsuit:

  • Thorough Investigation: He will look at all the details of the case, such as medical reports, witness statements, opinions of other experts, among others.
  • Damages Assessment: The lawyer will analyze the damages you have suffered to determine fair compensation, from medical expenses, loss of income, pain and suffering, and others.
  • Determining Who Is At Fault: Liability is an important issue in these cases to ask the person to pay for the damages caused. It may be one or several persons and may vary depending on the circumstances of the case.
  • Negotiate With The Insurance Company: The lawyer will talk to the insurance company to negotiate what you are entitled to. They will try to lower what you deserve, but the lawyer will fight for you.
  • Filing Negligence Claims in Brain Injury Cases: The lawyer will act on your behalf and file the claim with the appropriate party.
  • Negotiation And Mediation: The lawyer will look for Structured Settlements in Brain Injury Cases on your behalf or request mediation if necessary. Appeals will also be incurred depending on the case if the parties want to add documentation or statements to make their case stronger.
  • Trial: If a settlement is not reached, the last resort is trial.

At trial, the actions of an attorney are crucial to winning. Contact a Massachusetts Brain Injury Lawyer to analyse Product Liability and Brain Injuries or in the worst case scenario Wrongful Death Claims from Brain Injuries.

A Massachusetts Brain Injury Law Firm Will Seek Compensation For Brain Injuries In Massachusetts

A Massachusetts Brain Injury Law Firm will do everything possible to get you the compensation you deserve for your injuries. They will fight tirelessly on your behalf to make it fair.

Here are some of the damages you can seek:

  • Medical Expenses: These are all related to medical expenses such as treatments, hospitalizations, surgeries, medication, transfers, Rehabilitation and Long-Term Care Costs, among others. 
  • Lost Wages: It is likely that after the brain injury you will not be able to work. That is why you deserve to receive compensation for lost wages or future lost wages.
  • Disability: You may be able to claim for tasks that you can no longer perform and need help at home, outside or certain therapies. 
  • Pain And Suffering: In addition to physical problems, you have Non-Economic Damages in Brain Injury Cases. For example emotional pain that was caused by the brain injury, such as anguish, stress, anxiety and other psychological damage. 
  • Loss Of Quality Of Life: You can seek compensation for loss of enjoyment of life because there are daily activities that you can no longer do. 

A Massachusetts Brain Injury Lawyer is tasked with seeking maximum compensation for the damages you have suffered. Remember that your pain deserves to be recovered.

Whether it’s an accident at work, at home, in a traffic accident, a slip and fall or any other, we are here to help you. We can answer any questions you may have.

Time Limits For Making A Brain Injury Claim

In Massachusetts, the Statute of Limitations for Brain Injury Claims sets forth the time in which you can file a lawsuit.

Remember that you must act quickly so that the right is not lost. You have three years from the date of the accident or discovery of the injury to file. 

It is important to note that your case is different from others, so the time limits may vary depending on your situation.

It is advisable to consult a  Massachusetts Brain Injury Law Firm as soon as possible to get expert legal advice on what is going on. 

Contact An Experienced Massachusetts Brain Injury Lawyer Today

You are going through a difficult situation because of a brain injury. It seems that the consequences have no way back. It will change your moment completely and you must take action for it.

What happened to you is often a painful, deep and long-lasting situation. It impacts not only your daily life but also the lives of your loved ones. 

Brain injuries can lead to physical, cognitive, emotional and financial problems that will affect your life forever. From chronic symptoms to unthinkable disabilities.

You want to turn the page quickly and settle your case. That’s why LaBovick wants to help you in this situation.

We are a team of lawyers with more than 30 years of experience in this field. We also have offices around Massachusetts so you can go to the one closest to your location.

We have many successful cases and good comments from our clientes.Thanks to them we are the firm with the best score in Google Reviews (4.8).

We will confront the insurance companies for you. We know what a headache it is to deal with them, that’s why we want to do it for you.

We also contact the best doctors to take care of Neuropsychological Assessments. They will provide you with the best treatment and you will be able to move forward with your life.

We don’t want money to be a concern for you, that’s why we work on a contingency fee basis. This means that you don’t pay us until we win your case.

We want to hear your story. We want to know what has happened to you so we can give you the best personalized advice. You can talk to one of our lawyers and they will give you the best options to get the best results.

We focus all our attention on each customer. We create value by exceeding expectations. We take ownership of your needs and see mutually beneficial solutions.

We strive every day for more knowledge and competence. We believe that progress is very important and that is why we adapt to change. We use advanced technology to provide services in a timely and easy way.

We work in close cooperation with each client. Our relationship with everyone is based on communication, commitment and the search for justice.

It’s time to deal with what has happened to you. We have the knowledge and experience to stand by your side and help you succeed. You deserve to have a team on your side that fights for you.

We respond to our clients’ calls promptly. If you want to solve your case as soon as possible do not hesitate to contact our Massachusetts Brain Injury Lawyer. He will provide you with a free consultation and case exploration.

about Massachusetts Brain Injury Lawyer

It occurs after a severe impact to the head for a variety of reasons. Sometimes you can recover in a short time and sometimes not.

You can seek damages for accident-related expenses such as medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, among others.

Medical errors, sports, slips and falls, car accidents, accidents at work, among others.

Because lawyers have experience in these cases, they will be able to get you through the legal process and get you the compensation you deserve.